Aromatherapy Council: The Ultimate Guide

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August 2017 Aromatherapy Registration Council
August 2017 Aromatherapy Registration Council from

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When you think of aromatherapy, you might picture a spa day with candles, essential oils, and a relaxing massage. But did you know that aromatherapy has been used for centuries to promote health and wellbeing? Today, aromatherapy is recognized as a complementary therapy that can help with stress, anxiety, pain relief, and more. But with so many essential oils and diffusers on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s where the Aromatherapy Council comes in.

What is the Aromatherapy Council?

The Aromatherapy Council is an independent organization that promotes the safe and responsible use of essential oils. Founded in 2013, the Council is made up of a group of experts in the field of aromatherapy, including aromatherapists, scientists, and industry professionals. The Council’s mission is to educate the public about aromatherapy, provide guidance to practitioners, and promote high standards of practice.

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Why was the Aromatherapy Council established?

The Aromatherapy Council was established in response to concerns about the quality and safety of essential oils on the market. With the rise in popularity of aromatherapy, there was a growing need for regulation and standardization in the industry. The Council was formed to address these issues and promote best practices in aromatherapy.

What does the Aromatherapy Council do?

The Aromatherapy Council has several key functions:

1. Education

The Council provides information and education to the public about aromatherapy and its benefits. They offer workshops, seminars, and online resources to help people learn more about essential oils and how to use them safely.

2. Guidance

The Council provides guidance to practitioners in the field of aromatherapy. They offer advice on best practices, safety guidelines, and ethical standards.

3. Advocacy

The Council advocates for the safe and responsible use of essential oils. They work with industry organizations and government agencies to promote regulations and standards in the field of aromatherapy.

4. Accreditation

The Council offers accreditation to qualified aromatherapy training programs. This ensures that students receive high-quality education and training in aromatherapy.

What are the benefits of the Aromatherapy Council?

There are several benefits to the work of the Aromatherapy Council:

1. Safety

The Council promotes the safe and responsible use of essential oils. By following their guidelines, practitioners can ensure that their clients are not exposed to harmful substances.

2. Quality

The Council promotes high standards of practice in the field of aromatherapy. By following their guidelines, practitioners can ensure that they are using high-quality essential oils and providing the best possible care to their clients.

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3. Education

The Council provides education and resources to the public about aromatherapy. This helps people make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.

4. Accreditation

The Council’s accreditation program ensures that students receive high-quality education and training in aromatherapy. This helps to raise standards in the industry and promote best practices.

How can I get involved with the Aromatherapy Council?

There are several ways to get involved with the Aromatherapy Council:

1. Become a member

You can become a member of the Aromatherapy Council and receive access to their resources, workshops, and events.

2. Attend their events

The Council offers workshops, seminars, and other events throughout the year. Attending these events can help you learn more about aromatherapy and connect with other practitioners in the field.

3. Follow their guidelines

By following the Council’s guidelines and best practices, you can ensure that you are using essential oils safely and providing the best possible care to your clients.

What are the risks of using essential oils?

While essential oils can be beneficial when used safely and responsibly, there are some risks to be aware of:

1. Skin irritation

Some essential oils can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. It’s important to do a patch test before using a new essential oil and to dilute oils properly before applying them to the skin.

2. Toxicity

Some essential oils can be toxic if ingested or used improperly. It’s important to keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets and to use them only as directed.

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3. Interactions with medications

Some essential oils can interact with medications, either by increasing or decreasing their effectiveness. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before using essential oils if you are taking medications.


The Aromatherapy Council plays an important role in promoting the safe and responsible use of essential oils. By following their guidelines and best practices, practitioners can ensure that they are providing the best possible care to their clients. While there are some risks associated with using essential oils, these can be minimized by using oils safely and responsibly. With the help of the Aromatherapy Council, we can continue to enjoy the many benefits of aromatherapy for years to come.


1. What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy that uses essential oils to promote health and wellbeing. Essential oils are extracted from plants and can be used in a variety of ways, including inhalation, massage, and topical application.

2. What are the benefits of aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy has been shown to have a variety of benefits, including stress relief, pain relief, and improved sleep. Some essential oils also have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

3. Are essential oils safe?

When used safely and responsibly, essential oils can be safe. However, there are some risks to be aware of, including skin irritation, toxicity, and interactions with medications.

4. How can I use essential oils?

Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways, including inhalation, massage, and topical application. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and to dilute oils properly before using them on the skin.

5. What is the Aromatherapy Council?

The Aromatherapy Council is an independent organization that promotes the safe and responsible use of essential oils. They provide education and guidance to practitioners in the field of aromatherapy and advocate for high standards of practice.

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